KEY of KNOWLEDGE — What Is It?
As you can see in verse 46, legalists lack the capacity or desire to set people free. On the contrary, they do the very opposite—they load people down with heavy and unnecessary burdens that they’re unwilling to help carry.
Deny Yourself or Love Yourself — Which Is It? (Both)
There are only two laws in Christianity with three applications: Love God and love others as you love yourself. Christ Himself taught this by quoting the Old Testament.
Military Service — Is it Okay for Believers to Serve in the Armed Forces?
Some hardcore pacifists are so unbalanced they argue that a true Christian should never participate in the military, even in cases where the God-ordained authorities require it. Just yesterday I ran into a couple of believers who adamantly advocated this position.
Why Did God Allow Thousands of Years to Pass and for False Religions to Emerge Before Revealing the Truth?
Genesis was written between 1445-1405 BC (almost 3500 years ago) by Moses and it shows that the LORD was revealed to Adam & Eve — the first humans — as soon as they had consciousness and spiritual understanding. This documented event predates Hinduism and any other human religion.
GRACE — What Is God’s Grace? How Do You Receive It? How Do You Grow In It?
What does ‘grace’ mean? How do you receive God’s grace (favor)? How do you grow in it, as the bible instructs us to do? Is God’s grace unconditional?
Church of Christ — What Is It?
The word ‘church’ in the Greek is ekklesia (ee-KLEE-see-ah), meaning “called out of ” or “the called-out ones.” It refers to people who have been called out of the darkness of this world and consecrated to the LORD via responding in faith & repentance to the good news of the message of Christ (Acts 20:21)…
Trinity — Father/Son/Holy Spirit — Yes or No?
“The Trinity” is a reference to God as Father/Son/Holy Spirit but, interestingly, the word “Trinity” does not appear in the Bible, which explains why I don’t use the term in my teachings. After all, if the LORD doesn’t use the term, why should I?
Demonic Spirits — How to Deflect Them
How do you deflect evil spirits? The Bible shows how. These principles are simple to understand and master.
False Grace — “Hyper-Grace Cotton Candy”
What is the “hyper-grace” (or “pure grace”) movement and why is it heretical? What’s the Bible say?
Ark of the Covenant — Why Isn’t it in the New Testament?
What is the Ark of the Covenant? Why isn’t it in the New Testament?
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