Does the Bible Support a JUSTIFIABLE LIE?
Is it ever right to lie for just reasons? In other words, is lying ever justifiable? Is it the right thing to do in certain situations? The answer is, yes, the Bible does support a “justifiable lie” on rare occasions.
Official Prophets (Ministers) and Independent Prophets (Ministers)
Both types are good and necessary but — as with anything — each can be corrupted. When corruption enters the picture, abuse is always nearby (abuse is the misuse of power).
The NIV BIBLE — Answering the Critics
The New International Version of the Bible — aka the NIV — is the default version used in the articles, videos and books here at Fountain of Life, although other translations are quoted fairly often.
The Problem With Identity Politics—Including “Gender Identity”
It is true that individuals have the freedom to create their own realities, and not just in America, but anywhere on earth, even in a prison cell. It’s a coping mechanism that can help people endure various circumstances.
What Does “Do Not Go Beyond What is Written” Mean in 1 Corinthians 4:6?
Consider the set-up of 1 Corinthians 4:1-6: In chapter 3 Paul addresses the issue of the various teachers at the Corinth fellowship and how some believers were picking favorite minsters, which was causing division as believers were developing little sects based around their favorite teachers.
KINGDOM OF GOD — What Does It Mean?
The kingdom of God is essentially synonymous with the Church (Matthew 16:18-19), but only if “kingdom of God” is defined in a narrow sense, as in “a spiritual rule over the hearts and lives of those who willingly submit to God’s authority during this present age.”
Paul’s “Thorn” — What Was It?
As you can see, Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” was a “messenger of Satan” whose purpose was to torment him. In today’s vernacular this “thorn” could be described as a pain in the neck or pain in the butt. Why was he given this thorn?
Is NAME-CALLING Ever Appropriate?
While some believers think that name-calling is inherently mean-spirited and never appropriate, there are examples of righteous name-calling in the Scriptures.
Does Matthew 16:18-19 Support the Idea of a POPE?
Catholics often cite Mathew 16:18-19 to support their belief in the earthly supremacy of the Pope as the leader of the Church, as well as the idea of papal succession. Is this accurate? What do the God-breathed Scriptures say?
You’ll notice that God said “they followed the stubborn inclinations of their evil hearts.” So this is a commentary on the condition of the hearts of these particular Israelites and doesn’t mean that every person’s heart on earth is evil, which is a myth often heard in sermons.
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