Insights on Evangelism, aka “Witnessing”
Most people think evangelism only involves sharing the message of Christ and encouraging a person to say the sinner’s prayer, but—as wonderful as those may be—witnessing involves much more.
Is Christianity a “RELATIONSHIP With God”?
We’ve all heard it said that “Christianity is a relationship with God, not a religion.” Is this true? If so, what is the support for it in the Holy Scriptures, God’s blueprint for authentic Christianity?
Why did Christ decline to give “Signs on Demand”?
Matthew’s parallel account reveals that these “others” were the Pharisees and teachers of the law (Matthew 12:38). Apparently exorcising an evil spirit wasn’t good enough for them; they wanted a miraculous sign of cosmological scope, like the rearranging of the stars.
What’s the Bible Say About Mary and Mary Veneration?
Humble Mary was “highly favored” of the LORD (Luke 1:28) and her relative Elizabeth called her “the mother of my Lord” (Luke 1:43). Moreover Mary’s inspired song says that generations from then on would call her blessed (Luke 1:48).
Nosiness and Manipulation (NOT Spiritual)
Unspiritual people have a tendency to pry into other people’s business. In other words, they have an unhealthy interest in the private affairs of others. This is nosiness and can be observed when Christ prophesied how Peter would eventually die, which prompted Peter to nosily inquire about how John would die.
Insights on Moderation
To walk in moderation concerning anything means to have a spirit of self-control that avoids excess or extremes.
Absolute Pacifism (Unbiblical) vs. Limited Pacifism (Biblical)
Should true believers never resort to violence under any circumstances whatsoever, as hardcore pacifists advocate? Did Jesus Christ support this position as these people claim? What’s the Bible say, particularly the New Testament?
How to Keep BALANCED in Every Area of Life
There are different areas to our lives—family, marital, work, devotional, ministerial, educational, recreational, fitness, social, homestead, dating, and so on. How do you recognize God’s will in these areas? And how to you achieve and maintain balance? How do you keep from being sidetracked—hindered—by things that drain your time & energy and aren’t conducive to your God-given goals?
The Issue of Eating Meat Sacrificed to Idols
Paul clearly established that eating meat sacrificed to idols was a neutral issue in the epistle of 1 Corinthians, which was written in 54-55 AD. Fifty years later John wrote in Revelation about Jesus rebuking the church at Thyatira for allowing a woman prophetess to mislead believers…
What did Jude mean about not daring to bring a Slanderous Accusation against the Devil?
The subject of the passage is established in verse 4: “godless men who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our sovereign and Lord.” That is, they deny Christ through their unrepentant immoral actions; see Titus 1:16.
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