What Are the Sources of TRUTH (Reality)?
Christ said that “the truth will set you free” (John 8:31-32). The Greek word for ‘truth’ is alétheia (ah-LAY-thee-ah), which means “the way it really is,” aka reality. Since the devil is “the father of lies” and is temporarily the “god of this world” (John 8:44 & 2 Corinthians 4:4), it’s going to take truth […]
Was There a “Talking Snake” in Genesis 3?
Unbelievers, and especially militant atheists, are known to ask this question for the purpose of mocking the Bible’s depiction of events in the Garden of Eden just before the fall of humanity. The scenario takes place in Genesis 3, but the creature wasn’t a snake in the sense that we understand the reptile. It […]
Beauty, Objectification and Lust
The Bible plainly acknowledges the beauty or handsomeness of certain people on several occasions. For instance, the following verses reveal that Sarai (aka Sarah), Rebekah, Rachel and Esther were women of exceptional beauty: When Abram came to Egypt, the Egyptians saw that Sarai was a very beautiful woman. Genesis 12:14 Before he had finished […]
Simile, Metaphor, Analogy, Contrast
In the Bible you’ll observe examples of similes, metaphors, analogies and contrasts. Let’s look at each of these to distinguish them: Similes A simile (SIM-uh-lee) is a comparison of one thing with another of a different kind using the words “as” or “like.” In this verse, for instance, you’ll observe three similes: “I am […]
Human Freewill and God’s Sovereignty
In one of my articles I made the point: Could God make a stone so big He couldn’t lift it? The answer is, yes, the human will. Someone responded by insisting that this rejects God’s sovereignty. No, it doesn’t. Allow me to explain… The LORD is Almighty and indeed reigns supreme (Psalm 103:19, 93:1, Isaiah 37:16, […]
Are Believers “Sheep”?
A man who was an absolute pacifist wrote me arguing: ‘Jesus called his followers sheep. A Christian is a sheep. Sheep don’t fight. Never!’ This is an example of going to unbalanced extremes. He took the biblical symbolism of believers being sheep and carried it to extremes, ignoring other relevant passages of Scripture, which […]
Is Oral Sex Okay?
I’m addressing this tricky question because someone wrote me wanting an honest answer based on Scriptural truth. If one person is asking this question, others are too (they just prefer to remain silent because it’s a TMI sort of topic). The Bible doesn’t specifically mention oral sex, but arguably implies it in a figurative […]
The Basics of Christianity
The Bible is voluminous and so it’s easy to go into detail on many subjects, which can get complicated, especially for those who are new to Christianity or those seeking to see if Christianity provides legitimate answers to the questions of life. As such, it’s important to stress the basics now & then so people […]
Conscience is the God-given sense in people that distinguishes right and wrong. In other words, it’s an inner signal of universal morality. You could call it an intrinsic moral compass. Our Creator gave humanity conscience to steer us away from what’s morally wrong and toward what’s right. When a person ignores this built-in signal […]
FORMS OF ART IN THE BIBLE, Including Music, Visual and Performance Art
God’s imaginative creation of the Universe & Earth and all living things (chronicled in Genesis 1-2) can be described as art; after all, a lot of our art appreciation involves marveling at awesome displays of nature, amazing animals or attractive, charismatic people. This shows that art began with the LORD, the creator of the heavens […]
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