Why You should Always FORGIVE When the Offender Is Repentant
There’s this religious myth that Christians must automatically forgive everyone for everything all of the time, but this simply isn’t true. To forgive means to cancel the debt or dismiss the offense. While we are certainly obligated to forgive the repentant — those who humbly ‘fess up or apologize in some obvious manner, even if […]
Is the “Sign of the Horns” Inherently Evil?
With hand signals you have to be careful to discern what the technical signal is and what the individual in question means by it in his or her heart. For instance, the signal Billie Eilish is flashing in this pic is technically the American Sign Language sign for “I love you” (ILY), which you […]
What Will the Believer’s GLORIFIED BODY Be Like?
Since spiritually-regenerated believers are “co-heirs in Christ” (Romans 8:17) — that is, joint participants — we are going to receive the same kind of resurrection body he did. This is why John said, “we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him” (1 John 3:2). And Paul stressed that our current lowly bodies will […]
The Gist on Giving and “Tithing”
All believers will stand before the Lord and give an account of their lives for what they do or don’t do at the Judgment Seat of Christ. This includes what we do with our income. More is expected of those with greater knowledge, talents and spiritual maturity. As Christ said, “To whom much is given, […]
Is CHRIST’S BODY After Resurrection PHYSICAL or SPIRITUAL (or Both)?
Jehovah’s (false) Witnesses make the claim that Christ’s body after his resurrection is spiritual in nature, not physical. In other words, they argue that the risen Lord is a spirit creature only, which they base on a myopic reading of 1 Peter 3:18 and Paul’s statement “I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh […]
Why Are Both Lucifer and Christ Called the “MORNING STAR”?
Before his fall from Heaven (Luke 10:18), Satan is referred to in the Bible as “Lucifer, son of the morning” (Isaiah 14:12 KJV), a ruling spiritual being (paralleled in this context with the king of Babylon, Sennacherib). The word translated as “Lucifer” (in the King James Version) is helel (hay-LAYL); other English translations say “morning […]
How Big Will the NEW JERUSALEM Be on the New Earth?
– We’ve all heard about the gates of Heaven referred to as “the pearly gates,” yet in the Bible this is actually a description of the twelve gates of the New Jerusalem, a very large city that is presently in the spiritual realm of God, aka Heaven (Revelation 21:21). Guess what ultimately happens to this […]
Will People Marry and Have Sex in Eternity?
Christ said “At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven” (Matthew 22:30). He didn’t say they would be angels, just that they wouldn’t marry or be given in marriage (not to mention they’d be immortal like angels, if you compare the verse with the fuller account in […]
Does the Bible Acknowledge GERMS?
Yes, the Bible does acknowledge germs, albeit not directly. God gave the Hebrews laws on diet, sanitation and quarantining, as observed in Leviticus 11-13, which was well over 3000 years before germs were discovered in recent centuries. Related Topics: Hermeneutics — Proper Bible Interpretation Berean Spirit — What is it? How Do You Cultivate It? Healing — […]
Why Do Unclean Spirits Seek Out DRY PLACES?
Christ said impure spirits naturally seek “arid places,” which means dry, waterless areas (Matthew 12:43). This isn’t referring to places that are physically dry, like deserts, but rather spaces that are spiritually dry; that is, places where God is absent. You see, the LORD is likened to Living Water in the Bible — God is The Fountain of Life who gushes forth life […]
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