Don’t Provoke Angels!
The Scriptures offer evidence that angels are assigned to each person (Psalm 91:11 & Matthew 18:10) for the purpose of serving us in the sense of waiting on tables (Hebrews 1:14). How exactly does this work or not work? It must be understood that Angels respond to the voice of God’s Word: Bless the LORD, O […]
All Nations Deceived by the Global Régime’s SORCERY (PHARMA)
The current drug injection mandates that we are seeing are authoritarian, fascist and evil. Even if a person is not conspiracy-minded, something in his/her soul has to be telling them something isn’t right with any of this. The book of Revelation goes into detail about the future 7-year Tribulation that will come upon the […]
Can Christians Listen to Music other than Praise & Worship?
There’s the position that, since God inhabits the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3 KJV), believers should only listen to Praise & Worship music. This argument is rooted in the idea that music is sound and sound creates an atmosphere, which naturally affects the listener, whether positively, negatively or anything in between. Hence, we should […]
The Lord’s Supper / Communion / Eucharist
The Lord’s Supper is a ceremony to remember — reflect on — (1) Christ’s body, which was broken on the cross for us, and (2) his blood that was shed to seal the New Covenant between God and all those who believe. Here’s the most detailed passage on the topic: For I received from […]
Understanding the Religion of LIEberalism
America’s most famous inventor, Thomas Edison, referred to humanity as “incurably religious.” Thus it comes as no surprise that when people forsake belief in God or some deity/deities, they retain the earmarks of a religious person; it’s just that their ‘god’ becomes the state, pseudoscience, a godless ideology, self, or some combination of these. We […]
The Law of Double Reference is the tendency of Scripture prophecy (2 Peter 1:20) to sometimes refer to two things simultaneously — one relevant to the general time of the prophecy and the other relating to the distant past or far-off future. The first two chapters of Isaiah offer a good example: The prophet jumps […]
Why Is the King of Babylon Paralleled With Satan in Isaiah 14?
– In Isaiah 14 Satan is paralleled with the “king of Babylon,” Sennacherib.* – * Assyrian king Sennacherib (suh-NAK-uh-rib) conquered Babylon and hence dubbed himself the King of Babylon. – Let’s read the passage in question: – 12 How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who […]
Are Homosexuals “Born that Way”?
One major defense for homosexuality is that those who have this inclination were “born that way.” In other words, they have a genetic predisposition for the practice. The obvious problem with this line of reasoning is that it suggests that people are in bondage to fleshly desires or whims and must live according to them […]
What Is the Year of JUBILEE?
Leviticus 25:10 shows that the Year of Jubilee refers to the 50th year after 7 cycles of 7 years in which the land of Israel and its people gained freedom and celebrated. It was to be a year of: Rest for the Hebrews and the soil (25:11). Since the 49th year was already a sabbatical […]
Are male believers in Christ obligated to be physically circumcised? What do the rightly-divided Scriptures say? Let’s start with how the apostle Paul knew how to recognize legalists because he used to be one. Notice how he refers to legalists in this passage: Beware of the dogs, beware of the evil workers, beware of those […]
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