What Does “They Shall TAKE UP SNAKES” Mean?
When the Lord gave the Great Commission he noted that certain signs would accompany believers: “And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt […]
What Is GLORY in the Sense of God’s (Shekinah) GLORY?
God’s glory is linked to the LORD’s presence. When you hear a minister pray “God, show us your glory” it’s referring to the LORD manifesting glory to the people thereof. This is where we get the phrase God’s ‘manifest presence.’ The Almighty is omnipresent, of course — present everywhere at the same time in the […]
Believers Who Believe in Spiritual Gifts vs. Those Who Don’t
I just read a long rant by a minister who rebuked some Pentecostals/Charismatics for their arrogance and stressed how the fruits of the spirit are the true evidence of spiritual maturity. He had some corrective things to say that the body of Christ needs to hear, particularly fleshly believers in the Pentecostal/Charismatic camps, but other […]
Handing an Unrepentant Believer Over to Satan (?)
The apostle Paul gave a curious instruction to the Corinthian believers, an assembly that he started. It concerned a foolish man in their midst who was having sexual relations with his father’s wife. In other words, this was a practicing fornicator in the fellowship. The man was obviously confronted and corrected, but remained stubborn and […]
Are Angels Strictly Male… or Male AND Female?
The question we want to answer here is: Are there male and female angels or are they all male? Or are they genderless? This topic is somewhat interesting, but relatively inconsequential. For those interested, however, let’s honestly consider what the Bible says… Angels are consistently referred to in the Bible in the masculine sense (he, […]
Introduction to ANGELS
The human race seems to be fascinated by angels. Why else do we observe references to these spiritual beings almost everywhere? Angels are in our movies, our books, our songs, our lyrics, our conversations, our graveyards, our ornaments, our greeting cards, our décor and other forms of art, like paintings and album covers. Speaking of […]
The DEFEAT of Satan & His Losers
The most important thing you need to understand about the Enemy & his demonic minions is that they’re a defeated foe. They’re stripped of their authority and power as far as regenerated believers are concerned: And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he [Christ] made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the […]
What Goes On “Behind the Scenes” in the Spirit?
There are several articles on this site that go into detail about angels, including how to enlist their services. In this article we’re going to consider the possibilities of what goes on “behind the scenes” in the spiritual realm in regard to angelic help and demonic assaults, as well as the spiritual warfare we need […]
How to Enlist the HELP OF ANGELS
Christ said, “Are you not aware that I can call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?” (Matthew 26:53). This shows that the Messiah could pray for the assistance of angels, if necessary. Like Jesus, believers can pray for the help of angels when […]
DON’T Overemphasize Demons and DON’T Worship Angels
Some ministers & Christians speak as if there’s a demon behind every bush. The problem with this is that they’re putting so much emphasis on a defeated foe that it becomes a veritable testimony to the devil & his filthy spirits. In essence, they’re praising the kingdom of darkness (!). But notice what the Bible […]
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